Innovation to Inclusion (i2i) Project

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The Association for the Physically Disabled of Kenya (APDK) in partnership with CBM and other consortium members (Andy, Leonard Cheshire, World Bank, ILO and Plan International) implemented a three-year DFID-funded project dubbed ‘Innovation to Inclusion’ (i2i) whose main goal was to promote access to and opportunities for apprenticeship, internship and employment of persons with disabilities in Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu. The i2i project was a 3-year mulita-country initiative funded by DFID and implemented both in Kenya and Bangladesh. The project was engaged through a triple nexus working with Government, Private sector and persons with Disability and their respective DPOs.

Why the i2i Project was implemented

People with Disabilities (PWDs) particularly those with hearing impairments and intellectual limitations lack access to waged employment or when employed, bear the entire burden of the cost of disability.  In the same way, public and private institutions particularly businesses and technical training institutions often lack appropriate, programs and technology to support market-oriented skills to enhance access to meaningful waged employment  and socio-economic empowerment of persons with disabilities.

APDK’s Role In Accelerating Economic Opportunities For PWDs

Through our three branches-Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu, APDK in close coordination with other i2i consortium members mobilized DPOs and identified project beneficiaries, conducted capacity building of DPOs to advocate for employment for PWDs, conducted mapping of TVETS/ VTIS and private sector employers, conducted accessibility audits to enhance access and inclusion of PWDs in policies and programs


  1. Developed a career portal where persons with disabilities can seek employment, upload their resume and learn digital skills
  2. The Career portal was hand over to the government’s agency – NCPWD for sustainability purposes
  3. developed advocacy toolkits on employment and social protection
  4. placed 281 person with disabilities in waged employment
  5. supported 305 person with disabilities with employability skills development
  6. conducted sensitization workshops on accessibility and safety for passengers with disability to transport owners, NTSA Officers, Transport SACCOs
  7. Developed messages promoting accessibility and safety of passengers with disability
  8. supported 305 beneficiaries with employability skills development through provision of digital skills