Nickson Kinyozi is the 1st born and the only child. Parents are alive, the mother is a house maker and father works as a casual laborer in the community. He was born at full term at Pumwani Maternity Hospital, the child didn’t cry, suffered birth Asphyxia he started attending pediatric clinic and O.T immediately in Kisii. He got all the immunization. He was identified by field officers during their door to door survey in Lunga Lunga at the age of 2 years where assessment was done and he was not able to walk alone and had delayed speech.
DATE OF BIRTH: 05/03/2011
Throughout the rehabilitation sessions the mother was cooperative which facilitated in achieving the delayed developmental milestones. Currently the child can make few steps and communicate by uttering some few words. In the year 2013, the child was re assessed and was found that he can benefit from the daycare centre. The child joined the day care centre in the year 2014 where he still undergoes preparation for school placement.
From the time he joined the daycare he has shown tremendous achievement able to concentrate follow simple instruction, picture reading, socialize with other children, able to role play parents and caregivers.
The mother has kept on ensuring that the child attends the daycare despite the challenges she goes through by ensuring she gets basic needs for the family.
In the year 2015 N was reassessed and was referred to Ruben center special unit whereby he has improved a lot, he can now read some word, make speech and can now walk for a short distance independently.
Learning session at Ruben Centre special unit
Nickson participating in the Focus group discussion during the APDK end term evaluation