Mercy Wairimu Impact Story

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Mercy Wairimu aged 3 years 5 months is the first born and the only child. Both parents are farmers and are residents in one of the three ADPs i.e. Kiambogoko. According to the mother, the delivery of her daughter was normal and in a Government hospital and immediately she noticed something protruding from her daughter’s back that was diagnosed as Spinal Bifida by the Doctor a condition that is congenital.

Mercy a beneficiary of the ACCESS Program held joining between APDK and Motivation
Mercy during follow up

It had been quite a struggle to raise baby Mercy as she could not develop major milestones e.g. Sitting, Crawling, and standing like other children of her age. Wairimu was identified on 26st May 2016 by Referral Actors and her bio data entered in the data base. She was assessed by APDK Nakuru Branch Technical team for wheelchair prescription. Being a rural set up, a Tough Rider with table was prescribed to enable her write on, play and eat from.

On 30th June 2016, baby Mercy Wairimu was provided with a Tough rider with table size 12. According to the mother, it was a big problem before wheelchair provision as she used to carry her daughter to all the places she used to visit, be it church or any other place of choice. Before provision, both parents wished their daughter could join other children during play or go to nursery.

Mercy in class
Mercy a beneficiary of the ACCESS Program held joining between APDK and Motivation
Mercy during home visit

Since provision Mercy has not only improved in her activity of daily living but her circle of friends has increased. Mercy is currently attending a nursery class near her home.

She has very many friends now who assist push her to school although she self-wheels herself though with difficulties as the terrain is a bit hilly.

She was visited by team during a second wheelchair follow up that included Nakuru Service centre Technical team, Referral Actor and Charles Kanyi from Motivation on 4th May 2017.

Mercy Wairimu is currently attending Nursery near her home.

Asked by the team how the wheelchair had improved her daughter’s life, “Am so glad my daughter can venture out like other children her age and go to school that was really my girl’s desire” were her mother’s words. “Na penda

Kiti yangu sana” were Mercy’s words. Mercy proudly showed the team her book she writes on

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